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MLS Add/Change/Delete Form

Please use this form to activate or deactivate an agent from an office. Only the office’s Broker-in-Charge or Office Manager can complete this form, and all information will be verified with them.

If you are activating an agent who is a new member, please ensure that they have completed the New Member Form. New members cannot be added to your office until they have completed the application and its requirements. 

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Company Information

Please enter the Office Name (including branch, if applicable).

Please enter the city where the office is located.

Note: The individual entered will be the direct contact for verifying this form.

Agent Information

Please enter the name of the agent you are activating or inactivating.

Please include the agent's mailing address, including the city, state, and zipcode. 

Action Items

Please select the MLS access level for this agent. 

Note: If you select Staff Level MLS Access, you will also need to submit the MLS Waiver.

Please select the association membership level for this agent.

If you selected Secondary Association, please list the agent's Primary Association in the space below.


By entering your name below and submitting this form, you certify that the information provided is accurate and that you are either the Broker-in-Charge or the Office Manager.

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